Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Want to do Good but Can't Find Time?

I believe many of us are in the same situation as this lady in the video. We want to do good, we want to volunteer our time and help the less fortunate, we want to do charity work but we can't find the time because time is always so limited. If we take away the time to work, sleep, catch up with friends and family, there is hardly any time left for ourselves to do the things we are very passionate about. While it is a challenge to balance so many tasks in life, the good news is that we can engage in acts of random kindness even if we have very limited time, because we can do it anytime, anywhere; be it at work, commuting, hanging out with loved ones or even at the comfort of our home. There are so many ways for us to be kind, we just need to embrace kindness in our heart and opportunities will present themselves.

The act of giving kindness is the same as doing charity work, both come from the heart with the intent of benefiting and bringing happiness to others. Doing charity work is one form of giving kindness, with beneficiaries being the needy and less fortunate members of our society. However, if we cannot afford the time to volunteer regularly, we can at least engage in acts of random kindness regularly because it doesn't take much time or effort to do one.

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