Monday, September 22, 2014

Show Your Child How to Be Kind

All my life, I have enjoyed helping others, it is my way of gaining happiness for myself, when I give happiness to others. Way before the kindness project, I was always happy to share my summary notes and help my friends in their studies. I have wondered what or who inspired me to be passionate about helping others and giving kindness. 

I think a lot of the influence come from my parents. They have not for once told me that I should be kind and help others whenever possible, they simply lead by example. My dad got to drive his company lorry home back then and whenever there was an extended family gathering, he would volunteer to send many of our relatives home, even if they didn't really stay close to one another. We were usually the last family to reach home. My mum is ever willing to help her friends or anyone in need and at present day is still helping some poor elderly pay their medical bills and donating clothes to needy families.

I like to advise my dear friends here because I know many of you are parents, that the influence you have on your child is paramount. If you teach your child to be positive, happy and kind, he/ she will most likely grow up to be a positive, happy and kind adult. If you show your child that we need to fight for the best things in life for ourselves and not care much about others, there is high chance he/ she may grow up to be negative, self-centered and unhappy.

Therefore, I encourage you to show your child what is it like to lead a positive and meaningful life filled with happy memories of bringing joy to others. In time to come, your son or daughter will appreciate what you taught them and be proud of you as their parents. Cheers 

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