P.A.R.K. Star Award

This page is dedicated to projects, ideas, initiatives which exhibit acts of random kindness and have made a difference to the lives of others. These initiatives shared the same philosophy as P.A.R.K. and are inspiring examples of how acts of random kindness, one at a time, can change the world into a better place for all of us to live in.

List of Award* Winners:

1. A Packet Of Rice (APOR) 
APOR shows us that you need not be part of any established organization or be an influential figure to start something meaningful to help spread kindness around. APOR also shows us that to do good, you don't even need someone to pave the way for you. If you have an inspiring idea and plenty of enthusiasm, you can start up something to reach out and make a difference. (more)

2. A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor (ASSI)
AK, founder of ASSI, epitomizes someone who is willing to share the good things in life with others and this is certainly a true act of kindness. By doing one act of kindness per blog entry, AK is making much difference to the community and spreading kindness to many beneficiaries. (more)

3. My Wok Life 
Patrica, founder of My Wok Life, has spent much effort in making her recipes reader-friendly as well as including useful tips like where to get the ingredients, calories content of the dishes and their health benefits. Such acts of kindness can benefit greatly her readers. If we can all be passionate about our hobbies and sharing our knowledge with others, one step at a time, we are constantly spreading small act of random kindness around. (more)

* This award is virtual and created as a form of moral recognition to the initiatives which shared the same philosophy as P.A.R.K. and have made a difference in the lives of others, through acts of random kindness. It is not tied to any monetary rewards nor is P.A.R.K affiliated to the recipients in any way.

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