Saturday, December 31, 2016

How to Have a Great 2017?

How to Have a Great 2017?
Today is the last day of 2016, as we recap on the events of this year, whether good or bad, they have passed and become memories now. 1 year from today, we will be counting down to 2018 and recapping how the year 2017 has been. How do we make it a good year then?
The year 2017 is made up of 365 "everydays" and if we can make everyday a happy day, then 2017 will be a fantastic year for us. How do we achieve that? We have to cultivate positive thoughts, spread positive vibes and energy around us. Life can fill us with negative events and negative people, but we must constantly remind ourselves to stay positive and choose happiness.
Engage in the activities and thoughts that make us happy, count the blessings of everyday, treasure our loved ones, find time for them, be kind to ourselves and love ourselves. When we love ourselves, we will choose to be happy and forsake all the negativity that is going around. There is a great reserve of positive energy in giving love and kindness, I hope all of us can tap into this pool and make 2017 not just a great year for us, but for everyone else.
Happy New Year 2017, wishing all of you peace, love and joy in a beautiful year ahead :)

Friday, December 30, 2016

Clearing The Tray, Giving Kindness

Watched on the news last night that businesses in hawker centres are affected because the cleaners are not clearing the tray fast enough.
I think when we make an effort to clear own trays after we consume our food, we are not just being kind to the cleaners, who may be an elderly who is tired, we are being kind to the next patron as well as the hawker stall owners.
A little effort goes a long way, in making life more pleasant for others. We pass down good values to kids as well, who are watching and learning from us.

A Note To The Future You

If you could send a message to the future you, what would the message be? How would you envisaged yourself to be? If you have a vision of what you would be like or have a goal of what you wish to achieve in future, say 10 years time, then you take actions starting from today. Every baby step you take now is one step closer to where you want to be in future. By then, the future you will thank you for all the hard work you put in now. Also, remember to enjoy the journey of getting there as much as the feeling of finally reaching there.
P.S.: This is shared by a friend, you can send a note to the future you via this website and you will receive the note in your mailbox when the future comes:

Kindness Is In The Little Things

I boarded the bus, smiled to the bus driver, he smiled back and greeted me, I returned his greetings and both of us felt happy about giving this simple gesture.
Human beings are highly intelligent and human relationships are very complicated. But from this small gesture, we are reminded on how simple human relationships can be, how trust can be built upon an act of kindness, and why we need not build walls between strangers.
I admit that I am not the super sociable person who would smile to every stranger on the street, but I try to give more kindness and warmth, through the little gestures, whenever I can. It just makes everything a little bit better.

Give Praise Often

Give praise often.
How do we feel when we receive praises? We feel good, don't we? When I say praise, I mean honest and genuine compliments on a person's strengths, character or a job done well. When we give pRAISE, we raise a person up, in terms of self-confidence and esteem. It is a great morale booster and an acknowledgement for the person's effort and hard work. Humans have the tendency to remember the negative things, if we receive 100 good comments and 1 bad feedback, there is a tendency that we would remember the bad feedback and ignore all the other good things said about us.
So, be generous to give praises and compliments to your loved ones (your spouse, your children, your friends or even your parents). It will help in your relationships with them as you appreciate what they are good at. It will help give them a gentle reminder on how good they really are and inspire them to do even better. I always believe in the utmost potential inside all of us, but we need encouragement and praises to bring the best out of us.
Give praise to the children, youth whom you crossed path with, even if you are not related to them. Build them up and help them become confident adults because our society will benefit as a whole when these youth realise their full potential.

Life's Simple Pleasures

The happy feeling I get when I wanted to buy some apples but had a hard time choosing because the quality was poor, then the supermarket Auntie suddenly appeared with 2 cartons full of apples, fresh and beautiful apples, as though it just came from the airport.
Attaining happiness can be cheap and easy, it is in the little things that filled our daily lives. If we can make a conscious effort to be positive and allow ourselves to be satisfied easily, then we will be happy most of the time. Choose happiness because you deserve to be kind to yourself

May Season Of Giving Inspires Us To Give More Love

December is the favourite month for most people because there are many reasons to be happy. It's the school holidays for the kids, the period where working adults cleared their remaining leave and go on vacation trips. We also celebrate Christmas in December, the season of giving and the season of love.
I think it is in human nature to enjoy the act of giving and to fill the world with love. When people start to give, be it physical gifts like presents, or emotional support, words of encouragements, care and concern, the human network bonds and our community becomes more heartwarming.
Let us take the lead from Christmas and keep up the good work of giving, because that not only brings joy to others, it also brings happiness to ourselves. (Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves - James M. Barrie). Let us take the lead from December and always find reason to make ourselves happy in other months, starting from the first month of a new exciting year ahead.
I would like to wish all friends a Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2017 ahead, may you have a great celebration with your loved ones. You have worked hard and done well for 2016, always remember to thank yourself and love yourself.
Thank you so much for the trust and friendship and may happiness and positive energy be with you always, cheers to many good years ahead !

Dealing With Problems In Life

A banner stand fell flat right in front of an entrance of a shopping centre. It is interesting to see how people respond to it. Some would leap over it, some would step on it, as if it wasn't there. It doesn't take much of an effort to lift up the banner stand and can help prevent the inconvenience to others. Of course, it is not wrong to ignore as it's not the passerby's obligation anyway.
Between choosing to do something about a problem, or living with the problem or lamenting why no one is doing anything about the problem, which one would you choose? I believe your decision will determine your outlook in life and inevitably influence your happiness level

What The Existence Of Cockroach Teaches Us?

The cockroach is my most feared insect, especially the ones with wings. However, underneath the fear also lies an admiration for this insect. If you observe the cockroach, by it's appearance alone, it has to be one of Nature's least glamorous creation. The cockroach is hated by many and regarded as a pest that spread germs because of where they hang out. The cockroaches are often hunted down in households and there are usually many casualties during the fogging exercise.
Despite all efforts to try to exterminate the cockroach, it has continued to evolve stronger and prosper to live among us. The cockroach has survived millions of years, it's ancestors can be traced back to the dinosaur age. They are incredibly hardy and can live for days without their heads. For all the reasons to hate the cockroach, it has a role to play in the ecosystem. They are food for some organism and are important decomposers, eating away at any plant or animal remains they can find. Removing the cockroach from the food chain will cause imbalance to the ecosystem.
I think the existence of cockroach is Nature's way of telling us that even the whole world is against you, it is okay. You just need to find your own kind, people who stick by you (your family, your friends, your loved ones) and continue to play your role and you will be just fine. You may even outlive all your haters and have the last laugh !!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Counting My Blessing When I see the Bangladesh Workers

Every time I looked at the Bangladesh workers hard at work, I wondered how life would have been different for me, had I not been born in Singapore but in poorer countries like Bangladesh.
When I was crossing the traffic junction on a hot morning, I could feel that the heat was unbearable, as though I was going to melt. However, these workers are under the sun for most of the day, sometimes till late night, doing construction works or repair works. There is no aircon office environment for them, no comfortable ergonomic chair for them to rest their feet as they stand all day, no pantry where you can grab some snacks easily, no visiting of their favourite hawker/ eateries during lunch to grab their favourite food or have different variety of food (Chinese, Western, Japanese) throughout the week. Even on today, a Saturday morning, the workers are outside my flat painting the walls, under the hot sun.
We are all human beings, I am in no way more superior than a Bangladesh worker who is same age as me but because we are born in different geographical locations, I have much more blessings than them. I enjoy a higher quality of life, been given a proper education, have better nutrition and given more opportunities to progress in my work, inside a less hazardous working environment. Because I am aware of these blessing, I am thankful and I am happy.

Harness the Power of Human Intelligence

Everywhere I go, I am marveled at one thing, that is Human Intelligence. It is what that transforms our world from Stone Age to Digital Age today. Our buildings, transportation system, the gadget we used everyday, are all the results of human intelligence. Technology is moving rapidly because human intelligence is the architect behind the rise. Are we ready for the rapidly changing world? Of course we are because the change is brought about by humans ourselves.
Yet, it takes more than just human intelligence to bring peace to our world. Human intelligence, when used in inappropriate manner, such as extremist behaviors or scams, bring sufferings to the world.
We need some guiding principles to harness the great potential that is inside our mind, what better way than to embrace kindness, with the intent of improving the quality of life for others as a guide? When our intent is pure, good things will come out of human intelligence and benefit humanity. We must use our great intelligence for a good purpose, otherwise we would have wasted the gift that we have inside all of us.

The Habit of Positivity

When the alarm clock sounds off every morning, I, like most people, don't wish to wake up and would laze awhile more. However, that is just a short phase, the moment I decided to get out of the bed, the habits of positive thinking start to kick in and they mainly revolve around counting my blessings.
I am blessed in so many ways, a peaceful night rest in my comfortable bed, a shelter over my head, there is food for breakfast, my fridge is filled, safe boiled drinking water all available at my convenience.
As I walked out onto the street, and while the weather may be hotter these days, there is aircon in all of our public transport, shopping centres and offices. The people I see on the street, while they may be engrossed in their thoughts or phones, they look nice and I feel safe around them, not like they are going to discriminate me or rob me anytime. Occasionally, my day is brightened when I see acts of kindness that strangers give to one another. The list does not stop here, there are still many blessings I am thankful for and that makes me happy and positive.
Positive thinking can be a way of life, if you make a conscious effort to practise it, day after day, it soon becomes a sub-conscious thing and a habit. It will come naturally to you, just as how people would practise their presentation speeches until they don't even need to use the script.
People always feel charged up after a motivational talk or after reading a motivational article but a few days later, they go back to their normal regime of negative thinking, comparing with others and feeling sorry for themselves. It takes a little bir more effort to sustain the momentum of positivity and make it a way of life.
PS: I take this opportunity to remind social influencers, people with huge following on Facebook or Instagram, you play a big role in shaping how our world will be. People look up to you and some "worship" you, so be a good role model and help create a beautiful world together. Spreading the love and positive energy and making the world a better place will benefit all of us, including you and your loved ones.

Pay A Yardstick for Happiness?

If our pay is a yardstick for happiness, i.e. higher pay equal more happiness, then from my company's perspective, the office cleaners must be unhappiest while my directors will be the happiest.
Yet I see it so differently through my own eyes, the office cleaners are always smiling, asking if I have eaten, chit chatting and always engaging in happy conversations. On the other hand, the directors all look so serious, forever busy and it seems like there is only one thing on their mind, and that is work.
I once asked one of my superior why he was working so late and wouldn't his young children missed him? He replied saying they were used to it already and that he had no choice due to the overwhelming workload.
In Life, we win some we lose some and no one is a forever winner. With a higher pay comes more responsibilities which could translate to more stress and less time for family. It's a give and take thing. I believe no matter how much money we are earning, the most important is to find contentment and meaning in what we are doing. Only then, will we be truly happy because we are no longer chasing what we don't need and instead fully enjoy what we are blessed with, e.g. time, health, opportunities with loved ones.
Don't admire others when you see them doing better than you, for they may have pains you never realise. Don't chase things you don't need because what you don't need will not truly satisfy you.

Let's Celebrate Meaningful Monday

Maybe today is not your favourite day of the week, maybe it is not your most motivated day and you are dragging your feet to work, maybe you have associated this day with something negative, you feel the blues and that makes you unhappy.
However, if you could just do something nice for someone, an act of kindness, it can be a simple gesture like showing concern, giving encouragement, giving advice or helping a stranger, just one act of kindness today, it will make your day meaningful. And when your day can be remembered as a meaningful day, it will no longer be negative or dreadful.
The key to happiness is to take away as much negativity as possible away from our lives and Kindness, Positivity and Happiness are 3 best friends you need to have. They are also inter-connected, giving kindness will bring you positivity and happiness while happy people are more likely to be kind. Let's remember and look forward to Monday like never before, let's make all Mondays great by celebrating Meaningful Monday and spread more joy and love to this world.
TGIM and have a great week ahead !

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Share the Good Stuff Regardless of the "likes" You Get

Just because no one gives you a "like" on your post, it does not mean your post is no good or no one appreciates it. If you have good stuff to share, something that can benefit others, by all means go ahead and share. Some friends could be busy reading your content and forgot to "like", while some may not have this habit of clicking the "like" button, but it does not mean that they are not reading your post or the content is no good. Let your kind intent to share the good things overcome the fear of rejection or the need for appreciation.
While the number of "likes" may not truly reflect the level of appreciation, it is definitely encouraging for the initiator to receive this form of appreciation. So, be generous in giving your "likes", be an encouraging friend, because human beings thrive on support, love and encouragement. We need all these to keep going and to achieve greater things. Thank you for giving that act of kindness <3

Send A Greeting

All our life, we meet and interact with so many people, they come and they go. Some people leave a deep impression on us because they are responsible, they are kind, they are genuine and they truly care. Maybe the opportunity to stay connected physically is not there anymore, but IT has open up new doors in the virtual space. We have so many mode of communications these days and it is always nice to drop a message to these friends whenever we think of them. It is also heartening to know that people remember you and make an effort to send a greeting. Be the one who takes the initiative, it doesn't hurt or takes much time to send this message out, to care for someone who touched your life in some ways, in a certain stage of your life.

Interest Spurs Motivation & Drives Passion

I can spend hours surfing the web, youtube, searching for info related to my interest but give me a textbook to self study and I will fall asleep in less than an hour.
The key about learning, as with the many things we do in Life, is all about enjoying the process. If we don't enjoy the process, we will find no meaning in continuing and thereafter cannot sustain the process.
My own experience above illustrates that, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the method, time flies. When I don't like the method or the topic, I doze off.
If a child is forced to learn, to achieve good grades, then the child will not be as motivated as when he/ she is eager to acquire the knowledge and finds joy in doing so. We heard of people being very passionate in pursing their hobbies/ interest but we rarely hear people being very stressed up doing something they like. That is difference between enjoying and not enjoying.
If we want to achieve big things in life, we got to learn to enjoy the little things that will help build positive momentum to get us there. If we want to inspire learning, we need to get the kids interested in learning. It must be fun to them in some ways.
If we want to make the world a better place, we got to share all the amazing experiences of giving kindness and making people interested in giving (not shaming them when they did not do as expected). Even if you want to be a millionaire, start by being interested in making money, start by being interested in making dollar by dollar.
Start with the little things, one step at a time, build positive momentum to propel you towards success, and enjoy every part of the journey. It will make Life so much more interesting and meaningful.

Our Youth is Our Future, Support Them !

I am not much of a cookie fan but I bought a box of cookies from a group of students doing fundraising.
I find it very encouraging to see students, youth being involved in volunteer work or campaigning for a good cause, and I think we should support them whenever we can.
The youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, they could be our ministers, doctors or even bosses. If we instill kindness and compassion in them now, we will definitely be in safe hands when they take over the leadership.
Encouraging them to do good and instilling the right values in them will help them grow up to be considerate and responsible adults, which will mean less social problems and a more peace loving community.
Let's support the students and youth who are doing canvassing, flag days or even performing, because it will do them and us a world of good. If you ask me what the future of Singapore will be like in the next 50 years, I say it depends on how well we influence and inspire the youth of today.

The World Is Your Mirror

The world is your mirror. If you are nice to people, you are kind and positive, chances are you will meet kind people and people will be nice to you.
The world is how you perceive it to be; if you see it as cruel, cold and selfish, chances are things will happen to support your perspective. If you see the world as a warm and loving place filled with hope, you are likely to see the good side of humanity and continue to keep the faith.
What we want to get out of Life, how we wish to be treated, really depends on what we put into Life and how we treat others.
No one gets through life without a single act of kindness, we receive some forms of advice, encouragement or guidance at different stages.
What differentiates all of us is how much kindness we are willing to pay forward or give back to society, which ultimately determines our behaviour and perception of the world.

Counting My Blessings During A Thunderstorm

You know you are blessed when there is a thunderstorm outside and you are dry and safe in a sheltered environment. With changing weather conditions & earthquakes happening at different parts of the world, I am thankful that I am safe in our concrete jungle, sheltered from the storm when it rains and enjoying the aircon when it gets too hot.

The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword

The words we say, the words we type out, have an effect on the recipients we send to. It can heal and encourage, or it can also hurt and destroy a person. This is especially so for the words we type out, because they carry little emotions and at times can cause misunderstandings.
Speaking good words, cultivating good thoughts, seem like the most natural and morally right thing to do, but it takes conscious effort to do it well, because negative energy is all around us and we are bound to be affected by them.
If you have the gift to write, use it wisely to generate more love and positive energy. It will bring you joy and inner peace.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

List of Things that can Cheer You Up when you are Facing Negative

I think all of us should have a list.
This list is about the things that can cheer us up when we are suddenly overwhelmed by negative emotions, such as anger, worries, sadness or stress.
In a rapidly moving world and people getting increasing connected, negative energy can flow to us quickly, even when the intent is not to influence anyone to be negative. Our loved ones could be sharing their fears or worries and it could easily rub onto you and make you feel insecure. On other occasions, the stress level from over-expectation can make you feel overwhelmed. When we are are stressed up, we can get angry very easily, even the slightest trigger can lead to a big reaction/ outburst.
Having a list stored somewhere in our phone, or in a place we can easily refer, or simply memorise it, is a proactive and preventive action. When we get suddenly overwhelmed by these negative emotions, the list will guide us on the things we can do to calm ourselves down and diffuse the negative emotions. It is only beneficial to us because negative emotions is bad for our physical and mental health.
So, go on and think of 5 things that will make you happy, or 5 things that you really enjoy doing. As long as it is non-destructive, go ahead and write them down, because it can come in very handy, when you suddenly need it.

Kindness From A Neighbour

Walked into the lift and a kind neighbour from upstairs alerted me to some ice cream stains on the floor and asked me not to step on it as it could be slippery.
We never spoke prior to this and I had no memory of seeing her previously. She doesn't have to do that as we were complete strangers, but she did it anyway and that makes kindness valuable. Nothing is more heartwarming than giving from the heart, without obligation or expectation on what to do.

Giving Kindness, Generating Happiness

I have this habit of collecting the bonus point coupons from NTUC grocery shopping but this time round, the Tefal induction cookware is not very appealing to me. Since the redemption period is ending soon, I thought might as well go take another look and see if there is anything I need.
When I was there, I saw a mother daughter pair trying to get one of the Tefal cookware but they were not holding onto any coupons, so I offered them all my coupons (about 10 points). They were happy and thankful as it meant significant savings instead of getting at retail price. But I guess it is more of this simple gesture of kindness that made us all happy, instead of the cost savings.
After buying my grocery, I got another coupon and passed it to a Malay Auntie, it made her happy too. How easy and cheap is it to achieve happiness?

Simple Gestures, Great Repercussions

It is always a nice feeling to give.
I boarded the train at Marina Bay station to Bayfront MRT and saw two tourists with a toddler outside the train looking quite lost. There were no station staff to ask and they were busy using their smartphone to search for direction. I thought that it doesn't take much of an effort for me to step out of the train to offer help and so I approached them and asked if they need any help. It turned out that they were Taiwanese tourists and struggling with all the station names labelled in English. They wanted to go MBS and GBTB but didn't know which station to alight, so I brought them to Bayfront station and advised them on the directions. They were very thankful.
I was watching a show with my loved one and seated beside us were 3 Caucasian auntie and uncles. After the show's interval, we saw the group coming back but there were looking lost at the wrong seating, probably confused at where were their original seating. I did the simplest of gesture to wave at them and they got the signal and were all smiles when they returned to their seats.
Simple gesture can mean a lot to the recipients, especially when they least expect it. When you take the initiative to help someone when they did not even ask for it, you will warm hearts and make their day brighter. Changing the world seems such a big thing, yet it is all so achievable through the little things we do for one another. Kindness opportunities are everywhere, just open your heart to kindness and the opportunies will all come to you.
Make our world a better place, for you and me, and for our children and future generations. It is always possible, achievable when you believe and willing to make that change. Cheer :)

Doing the Housework is Developing Good Values

My mum never spared me the housework since a young age and till today I am grateful for that. Ever since my teenage years, my mum had "bestowed" me with responsibilities of cleaning the house, ranging from sweeping, mopping the floor, to cleaning the furniture, ironing and washing my own laundry (and yes, hand-wash not machine-wash).
While it mean less time for TV, computer games or even studies, I am glad to pick up essential life skills that I still find it useful today. Other than knowing how to do the housework, I am able to do it faster through years of practice and even new chores like changing taps doesn't not scare me off. I derived great satisfaction through clearing clutters, scrubbing algae and basically transforming something dirty into something clean. I am also proud of what I can contribute to my household. My previous transition into NS and subsequently staying on my own in the uni hostel were also made less painful because I could manage all the cleaning.
Sometimes, parents may think that their children should not be involved in doing the housework because either the maids or the parents themselves should be doing it. However, introducing household chores to the children may just do more good than harm.
It teaches them responsibilities, that they have a part to play to upkeep the cleanliness of the house. It teaches them to be considerate, because if you make a mess, someone has to clean up and that person could be you. It grows their confidence, because they can do so much more than what is expected of them. It teaches them independence and equip them with essential life skills that can help them in later stages of their lives. It teaches them discipline, because housework has be done on a regular basis, not as and when you feel like doing. Finally, it helps them spend time constructively, less time on the gadgets, TV and computer games, which studies have shown to be beneficial in terms of physical (eyesight) and mental (attention span) health.
I hope this parenting tip helps for many of our young parents today. Cheers.
PS: My mum didn't force the housework upon me or threaten not to feed me if the housework is not done. Instead, she encouraged me and gave me lots of compliments for doing a good job. In a way, I felt motivated when doing the housework.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stop the Influence of Negativity

Donald Trump winning the US presidential election shocked the world, the stock markets across the world took a dive, people on the Internet and social media were talking about end of the world, it feels more like an alien invasion than a presidential election to me.
I am not going to singing the praises of Donald Trump nor criticise his campaigning antics or ideologies, other than I find it quite admirable that he is still full energy and gusto at an old age of 70 years old. What I hope to achieve in all my writings is to spread the positive vibes and remove any much negativity as I can.
With half of Americans feeling unhappy, people all over the world worried and being insecure, can we stop for a moment to ask ourselves this, maybe things are not as bad as what we imagined it to be? Also, he is a Day 0 president as of now, isn't it fair to judge him only after he completes half or even full term as US president? I believe that everything happens for a reason and if he is as terrible a president as what many fear, then the Americans learned a painful lesson and they rebuild again 4 years later.
I am hopeful that something good will come out of this. And by the time this post becomes a memory flagged out by Facebook 2 or 3 years later, hopefully the world has seen some positive and encouraging changes, led by the man whom many hate now.

Counting Our Blessings: A Loaf Of Bread

I usually don't get too excited when I know there is a loaf of sliced bread in the house, or raspberry jam and sliced cheese in the refrigerator. After all, there are so much more being offered out there. Cakes and pastries aside, the way bread is prepared and served is so much different these days, you have Breadtalk and the neighbourhood bread shops selling breads with so many different flavours.
However, when hunger strikes and I don't wish to get out of the house, or when the shops out there are already closed, the sliced bread with cheese or jam seems such a luxurious treat to me. It has never tasted more delicious than at these times and I feel very blessed to be able to satisfy my hunger with just sliced bread.
Come think of it, why are we unhappy today? Have we been given so much that raise our expectation so high that we are no longer contented with the simple pleasures that we once treasured? And when we get into a situation whereby the options become limited again, we will then realise that we had so much more previously.
So, if we can count our blessings and find contentment in what we are given, we will gain happiness and inner peace. Else, it is a relentless pursuit of wanting more and more.

Bloom Like A Flower

Flowers, no matter how beautiful, will one day wither and fall. The same goes for all of us, we all have our own expiry dates. What matters is not how long we can live, but rather, while we are still alive, have we really bloom like a flower?
Have we brighten the world with our (inner) beauty? Have we make an effort, through the little things we do in Life, to change things or change the world for the better? Have we lived in such a way, that when people think of us, it brings a smile to their face because their lives are enriched by us? Have we given love, given encouragement and given hope, to the people who need them most?
Have we been true to ourselves, to be responsible for our own actions, even when no one is watching? Do we have the courage to live the Life we really want, and not let the standards defined by others to be a benchmark for our own achievements?
If your answer to the above questions is yes, then I believe you are living a meaningful and purposeful Life. Of course, everyday is an opportunity to improve ourselves, change is always possible, if we are not living the Life we deem meaningful.

The Power of Hate

When you don't like someone and happen to see that person doing very well, leading a seemingly happier life than you, do you feel uncomfortable? You may be thinking, what has he/ she done to deserve these blessings after the hurt inflicted on you previously?
That is the power of hate, which brings about anger. You see that while that person is enjoying life elsewhere, he/ she is not inflicting any more damages to you (at this moment). However, the hate inside you decides that you should suffer more, with reasons of anger or injustice filling your mind.
There is no other way that you could do to make you feel better, other than to put down the hate and to shift the focus away. Whatever hurt/ damage has passed, if you cant forgive that person, so be it, but dont torture yourself with more sufferings by harbouring the hate and evoking the painful memories. The reasons of happiness and unhappiness lay in front of you everyday, make a wise choice, my dear friends.

Give Kindness Regardless of Appreciation

I smile to the bus driver when I board the bus, not all bus drivers will acknowledge, I smile anyway.
I press the lift open button for fellow passengers to exit first, not all will show appreciation, I press the lift open button anyway.
I write articles to encourage kindness, positivity and happiness, not everyone will be influenced, I write anyway.
Because every action I give, is my little effort to change things for the better. While it may not be 100% successful, I know that by not doing anything, it is as good as 100% failure.
For every bus uncle who smiled back, for every lift passenger who said thank you and for every friend who was motivated, even just for a short while, I know I have made a positive impact, maybe even a ripple effect for him/ her to pass the kindness/ positive energy forward.
In this journey, I have seen many impossible targets made possible, when someone is willing to take the lead and rally people towards a good cause. You can be that special someone today, when you believe that the power of change is in your hands.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Give Love To the Children Inside All of Us

Children need lots of encouragement and so do adults, because the child lives inside all of us. Deep down, all of us need love, support and encouragement from the people around us, without which there is very little motivation to keep going. That is also why love always win and hate will only generate more hate.
Don't stop at being just a friend, be an encouraging one! Give love, give support to someone who is trying to make a difference, someone who is trying to improve lives, someone who is chasing dreams. Sometimes, your smallest action can be the spark to ignite something really amazing and wonderful. When that happens, the world benefits.
Be the one who heal wounds and give hope, because the world needs more of that. We are not going to live forever, but what we build today, can be the best presents we give to our children and many generations to come. You may not see the day the tree grows to bear fruits and provide shade but you will always be remembered for planting that seed many years ago.

Admire The Sunset With Your Loved Ones

No matter how beautiful the sunset is, it will be meaningless if there is no one beside you, to admire together with you.
Our loved ones are the reasons we work so hard for, but they are also the reasons why we should not overwork ourselves. It is our responsibilities to preserve our health for as long as we can, so that we can be there to take care of our loved ones and to enjoy Life's best moments with them.
The world is moving at a fast pace, work may get more demanding and challenging, stress level will go up as well. However, we must always bear in mind, what is most important to us, that is our health and our loved ones. No one is indispensable in any organisation but you are indispensable to your family. Always remember that and strive to strike a balance, there is a time to work and there is a time to rest.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Be A Good Passenger Of Life

Imagine this:
The bus is half filled with passengers.
Every passenger start to put their bags on the empty seat next to them, the bus will have no more seats left.
Now, if every passenger start to vacate their seat and move to a common standing area, so that someone more needy can take their seats, the bus will have full seating capacity.
This is the difference between being kind (full seating capacity), doing nothing (bus half filled) and being inconsiderate (no more seats left).
Every passenger has a part to play and every decision makes a difference. We are afterall passengers of Life.

See the Positives In Every Situation

Super heavy rain with thunder but I am safe in the comfort of the SBS bus, fully covered, with aircon, almost full phone batt and ample mobile data left for the month. What more can I ask for? See the positives in every situation & stay safe, my dear friends :)
Part 2: Brave the rain to search for a food stall with rave reviews but it was sold out when I got there, but I managed to find a shop selling pastry like lao po bing, which I dont see quite often outside.Thankful for all the surprises at Life's every corner :)

Be The Positive Keyboard Warrior

Thank you my dear friend, Wei Yang, for the flattering words you wrote in this post:
I am nothing more than just a "keyboard warrior", the term so infamously used to describe people who hide behind an anonymous profile on the Internet to attack, flame and abuse others while at the same time incite hate and anger.
I am determined to send a message to these people, that for all your high intellect, excellent command of the English language and ample free time, you can do so much more than just attacking people and inciting anger. Use your talents and strengths to create an positive impact on the society. Help make a difference in the most heartwarming way, not causing further misery and suffering. The society needs you, just as it needs everyone, to come together to change things for the better. Don't just talk (or type) and do nothing (no actions).
For the shy, introverts and not so outgoing friends, the world today is so much different and the cyber space is as real and you can create a positive impact even at the comfort of your home, office or school. Grab this opportunity to make a difference to the lives of others. I hope I give you a good reference point, cheers :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Finding Cheap Happiness

If you think that to be happy means you must have lots of money because money can give you a sense of security, money can bring you to places, travel the world, luxurious hotel stays, VIP treatment and elevate your social status, then hey you are probably right! Because that is your definition of happiness, but till the day you earned tons of money, you probably wont be happy. You will also probably be stressed up by your high standards of happiness.
Happiness to me is simple and cheap, and at times free. When I am able to help someone and make that person happy, I am happy. Everyday I feel grateful for so many blessings in my life, I am happy. As I write these posts, and it cheer your day or gives you that tiny bit of positive energy or morale booster, I am happy.
It is a virtue to strive hard and work for a better future but there is a difference between needs and wants. This difference is proportional to the amount of happiness we get in life.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Giving Directions, Giving Kindness

Saw this lady in front of me, she looked lost and was asking around for direction, she approached two ladies who were unfortunately unable to help her as there were Japanese tourists. As I walked past her, she was speaking to an Auntie, whom seemed not very sure on how to guide her. So, I approached her and asked where she wanted to go and gave her the directions. She was very thankful. I went to grab a drink and saw the two Japanese ladies, who were looking lost also, so I again approached them and offered to give them directions. They were surprised but very thankful, judging from the smiles on their faces.
I know some people may think I am very kaypoh but it is okay, they are entitled to their own opinions while I do what I think is right. There are always opportunities to give kindness and if I see one, I will try to give, because I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. If we have more people helping one another or looking out for one another, it will definitely make our community a more heartwarming place. Simple gestures which takes minimal time and effort can touch another person and brighten his/ her day. Be the one who is big-hearted enough to give love and kindness, it will change your perspective of this world and make you happier, cheers :)

Enriched with Every Tough Experience

This morning as I woke up feeling sleepy and tired, I looked out of the windows and saw many staff at the supermarket under the opposite block already hard at work. If I am one of them, I have to wake up much earlier.
I recalled my working experience as a NTUC cashier many years ago. The working hours were long because of this rule whereby cashiers need to arrive an hour earlier and knock off an hour later, to verify the cashbox accounts. The meal hours were at odd hours, e.g. lunch at 2pm or dinner at 3pm. The pay was peanuts and you meet nasty customers quite frequently, esp. during the festive season. Somehow, to some people, the long queues were because of cashiers' inefficiency. If sitting the whole day at your desk is tough, trying standing the whole day as a cashier.
While it was not the most enjoyable working experience, it had certainly enriched me in other ways. It made me better appreciate what I have now. Everything in life happens for a reason, every experience, good or bad, serves to teach us some valuable lessons, to help us grow, become stronger and better persons.
Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead !

Give Kindness Through Love and Support

For Life may not always been smooth sailing.... When you are troubled or facing issues/ difficulties, it helps greatly to have supportive people around you, the people who can carry you through the most challenging times and encourage you to get better.
For that is what Kindness is all about....
When there is no Love, there is no Hope and people lose faith in humanity. But the seed of love is inside all of us, it is absolutely humanely possible to grow it, through acts of kindness, one at a time. Kindness is not just for the needy/ underprivileged families, it is for everyone, your family, your friends or anyone who needs it.
For the broken....don't feel ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Someday when you get out of your woes, you can always pay the kindness forward. We help one another get further, that is how the community works and that is what Humanity is all about.
If you ask me, "Why be kind?" Then my reply would be, "Why don't you try to give kindness and see where it can take you to?"

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Happiness Is A Habit

Simple things in life make me happy, like going to the movies, catching up with friends, enjoying good food or helping people. Maybe it is because I am blessed with a happy-go-lucky personality and easily contented nature, but I think it is also because I make a conscious effort to remain happy. I am not immune to negativity ongoing in my environment but for every reason of unhappiness Life throws at me, I try to find another reason to be happy. I choose to be happy because of the simple things that I get to enjoy in Life. I choose not to raise my expectation so high that it is difficult to make myself happy. I choose happiness because I am deserving, I deserve to be good to myself, and so do you.
To all my friends who are pessimist, natural worrier or continually harboring negative thoughts, I want you to know that happiness is a choice and most importantly, happiness is a habit. There is resistance to change to adopt this new habit but I assure you that the effort is absolutely worth it. Just with all other new habits, it takes time but soon you will perfect it.
To all my friends who are optimists, positively charged happy people, do you know that you and I hold great responsibility to spread the positive energy and happiness around. Don't just stop at being positive in your own life, encourage the negative people around you to embrace your positive spirit as well. Show them that they can be as happy and positive as you too. Together, we can spread more positive energy around and help more people lead meaningful lives by finding their source of happiness.

Life is so much more than the Regrets

When you can only choose either one of your favourite food, are you going to dwell on what you miss out or are you going to fully enjoy what you have on your plate?
Life is full of hits and misses, if we keep thinking about what we have missed out, when we keep thinking about our regrets, then we waste precious time to enjoy what we are really blessed with. Dwelling on the negative thoughts will not solve any issue, nor will it bring us the things we want, yet it deprives us of the opportunities to take actions to change and it makes us unhappy. So, why engage in such a meaningless and unconstructive activity?
The next time your "regrets" come knocking, tell yourself this, Life is not perfect, you cannot have the best of everything and most importantly, your life is so much more than just the regrets. Your life is defined by what you achieved and not by what you did not. Cheers

Be Inspired By The Inventions Around Us

When I put down my phone and looked around, I realised I am in awe with so many things that I see. The roads, the buildings, the vehicles, all of them are built from scratch, using the raw materials gathered from Nature. We are surrounded by so many inventions and innovations that brought great convenience and comfort to our everyday lives (think aircon, water heater, lifts...etc). All these wouldn't be possible without the brillance of men, not just one man but many men.
If these inventors had not believe in change, had they not believe in improving quality of life for others, had they not believe in their own abilities and that they could make an impact, then we would all still be stuck in the Stone Age Era.
If we take a leaf out of the inventor's book, let us also believe in the potential that lies in each and every one of us and that we can all create an impact in the lives of others. Our lives will be meaningful when we add value to the people around us. Changing the world seems such a big thing and requires plenty of effort, but have we realised that the world is changing everyday? Let's make it better !

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"What Are You Grateful For?"

Want to know a secret of happiness? Continually engage your mind with this question, "What Am I Grateful For?"
For example, this morning, I had to travel to far away place for a company event and that meant having to wake up an hour earlier and taking the long journey there. These are my reason of unhappiness actually, but I choose to focus on what I grateful for.
I am grateful for so many things, firstly to be able to wake up and earn another day, I am grateful that my residence has a shuttle bus service to bring me somewhere near there, I am grateful that the shuttle bus uncle was kind to drop me off at a place near my event venue though he was not obliged to. I am grateful that I don't have to pay for some of my meals today (lunch and tea breaks catered). Above all, I am grateful for my health, to be able to see, hear, walk and breathe, all these should not be taken for granted. I am also grateful that I am surrounded by so many lovely people, my family, my friends and all the beautiful strangers whom I have never met, yet put so much trust and faith in me.
You see when we continually ask ourselves this question, it shifts the mind focus to something positive, we give ourselves reasons to be happy through the things we are grateful for. The same goes if you ask yourself what you are unhappy with, the mind shifts the focus to the negativity and you feel unhappy. However, we don't have to consciously do that since negativity is all around in our environment. The state of positivity is more difficult to achieve so we must be proactive in seeking our own happiness. So, make it a habit to ask yourself this question from time to time. You will feel happier this way

Own Your Happiness

We are the true owners of our own happiness. In every circumstance we are in, we can give ourselves reasons to be happy or reasons to be unhappy. When we are angry with someone, when we harbour hate inside us, when we feel negative, we surrender a part of our happiness ownership to them. The more we dwell on the negative thoughts, the more of the happiness ownership we transfer to them. In the end, we start to blame the people who have hurt us, the people who make us angry and the people who cause us so much misery. This results in more hate, anger and frustration, especially when we think that all these sufferings are out of our control. When that happens, we have basically surrendered all our happiness ownership to them. We have no control over our happiness as our mind is obessed with the negative thoughts.
This is not true, we have absolute control over our happiness. While there may be people or events that create the negativity in us, we do need to transfer the ownership of our happiness to them. There is no benefits doing that because we get more negative and in the end, the ones who suffer most are ourselves. So, take ownership of your happiness, don't play the "blame" game and choose all the reasons to be happy. The people/ events who are taking control of your happiness are not worthy to be the master of your happiness, only you are worthy, so don't give it to them.

The True Spirit of Winning

While others are crying foul over rigged results, the man himself (Nathan Hartono) was reflecting on the biggest adventure and achievement of his life. That is the spirits of a true winner. It may seem a pity that "he got so far" but "did not win the biggest prize" but why does success always has to be defined by "winning the first prize", rather than the process of "getting so far"?
You win not because you finished first or took the gold medal, you win not because of the As, you win because you have put in your best efforts, you win because you kept raising the bar for yourself, most importantly you win because you enjoyed every bit of the journey and find meaning in the whole competition, the end results are just secondary. The same goes for Life, how do you define if your life is successful? Is it because of all the assets you owned, the cash you have in the bank? Or is it because the journey was memorable, you enjoyed every moment and it brought you joy and inner peace?
Maybe history will not honour the silver medalists nor will it remember the one who almost made it, but the people you have touched and inspired will never forget what you taught them, that is the power of dreams. You can be anything you want, if you dare to dream, the final outcome may not be what you imagined initially but to be able to live the whole experience makes you a true winner.
Thank you Nathan for the inspiration !

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Find The Sun or Be the Sun !

Molds grow in dark, moist areas where there is no sunlight. Other than being unsightly, molds can cause health problems if they are allowed to manifest in the house. Negative people/ emotions are just like molds, a few of them probably will not hurt you, but if you allow them to grow, your environment / your mind will become toxic and this will harm you.
To prevent this from happening, seek to find the SUN, be around people who are optimistic and positive. Be around people who can help you deal with the negative emotions, the people who can make a situation better and people who do not spread the hate and anger. If you can't find that person, then take the bold step to be that person, be the sun to eradicate all the molds around you. Make a difference and positive impact to the people around you. Be the change you always wanted to see.

Live For the Memories

The way we take photos have changed over the years, from analog photography to digital photography.
The way we share photos taken have changed over the years, from printing out hard copies in photo albums to online through social media and the Internet.
The number of photos taken has also changed, from the limited numbers on a roll of film to the thousands that the memory card can store.
One thing that did not change is we still love taking photos, and are taking more photos.
Why is that so?
Every photo capture a part of our lives because every photo is a piece of memory. When we capture plenty of photos all through our lives, what we really want to safekeep are our memories, because that is what Life is all about. Memories tell us that we have a lived a Life filled with happiness and meaning.
When you grow old and there are 2 items on your desk, a thick photo album full of photos of you and your loved ones, and a file containing your bank statements, shares statement, which one would make you happier?
*** Inspired when looking through my old photo album ***

Kindness Is All Around Us

An elderly Malay Uncle with walking difficulties took a very long time to cross the road, so long that the green man had turn red. No one car on either side moved, no one sounded the horn, everyone just waited patiently for him to cross.
Some think that Singaporean drivers are impatient, don't give way and get angry easily, but this is what we are all made up of, the seed of kindness lies in every one of us. Our fast paced competitive society may not be the perfect environment to nurture this seed, but we can start to make a change and encourage more kindness among us.
I believe in the good in all of us, do you?

Make Life Tiring Fun !

Life can be tiring or tiring fun. If we can find joy and meaning in what we do, then all the tiredness is worth it. We don't just get through the different stages of Life because everyone else is doing it. Every stage of Life brings a whole new experience, with lessons to learn and pleasant surprises awaiting. We are all privileged to given this life to live, love and grow, so make full use of this opportunity to create beautiful memories, for yourself and for the people around you. Make the hard work you give, reap great rewards for you !

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Life, Problems, Meaning

Life is a series of problems, you solve one problem, another problem crops up. Can we not have problems? Can we not have worries? Can we not be afraid? Can we not be angry? Can we not experience loss? Can we not be sad? Can we not have negative thoughts in our head?
When Life is smooth sailing, with no issues, no challenges, with everything mapped out nicely for you, Life will gradually lose it's purpose. If we have not been afraid, how would we be given the opportunity to overcome our fears and build our courage? If we have not experience sadness, how would we treasure our happy moments? If we have not experienced loss, how would we appreciate the time we had with our loved ones?
Every problem/ issue faced in Life gives us the opportunity to come out of it stronger and to improve ourselves or our relationship with others. Don't be afraid of problems, stay focus on the solutions and get the best out of every situation you are in, good or bad, for that is what makes Life interesting and meaningful.

"Singapore workers unhappiest in South-east Asia: Survey"

"Singapore workers unhappiest in South-east Asia: Survey"

This is an article published just yesterday and when I read the headline, the reasons on what could have caused the unhappiness had already popped up in my mind, perhaps coming from my own experience at work.
The train is crowded, the boss is uncaring, the work is overwhelming, there is no sense of purpose at work. While these are all valid reasons to be unhappy, have we conveniently forget the reasons to be happy?
The train system may be crowded but with Circle Line and Downtown Line operational, we save up so much time traveling from one place to another (think Bishan to Bouna Vista using NS & EW line compared to circle line). Traveling to work is now faster as compared to few years ago.
Work may be overwhelming but I still get to enjoy the weekend, like right now writing down my thoughts, while there are people in the service line working over the weekend. Some hawkers start work as early as 12 or 1 am and only stopped work at noon, a taxing almost 12 hours of shift, most of them are not young anymore. The policemen or army regulars could be working round the clock to solve cases or be involved in military exercises, they have to spent time away from their families because of their work commitment.
I may not play a big role in the organisation so my sense of purpose at work is not that strong but my income allows me to fulfill my wishes and achieve some of life's milestones with my loved ones, that is my purpose of work.
The environment can always spark off negativity, as it seems like a norm to gossip and to talk about the unhappy stuff, but don't let it disrupt your inner peace and make you spiral downwards. If there is a problem, focus on the solution, not the issue. We must take responsibilities of our happiness and not blame our unhappiness on others. For every reason to be unhappy lies a reason to be happy, find it and be good to yourself.

About Death & Life [Excerpt]

Beautiful Writeup:
"I realized that the most important thing about death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions.
We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box – a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realize it. You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life.
I hope you will make the right choice. Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it. The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that flies with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count! Thank you!"
Excerpt from "Powerful Advice From a Dying Man":

Similar Situation, Different Perspectives

When the weather gets too hot, I am thankful that there is aircon in the office, shopping malls and in our public transportation system. When the aircon in the office gets too cold, I am glad that I am able to go out and get some fresh air, sunshine and warmth.
In a similar situation, I could have felt frustrated, complained about the unbearable heat and wished I was somewhere else, maybe in a country with a cooler climate. However, will it make me happier if I were to think this way?
We all face challenges and constraints in life, our perspectives determine whether we come out of it feeling happy or unhappy. The situation may not change easily (like how do you make Singapore's climate to be cooling all year round), but we can certainly adopt a more positive mindset when dealing with the challenges and issues. Because by doing so, it will make us happier people.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Receiving Kindness while Chasing For Bus

It was an agonising feeling to chase after your shuttle bus (last one of the day), only to see it drive off when you are so close to reaching it. However, all is not lost when an Indian lady sitting at the bus stop, who witnessed the whole scene, made a hand gesture to the driver to inform him there is another passenger behind. She doesn't need to do that but because she cares, it helped made someone's day brighter and the community becomes a more heartwarming place with pockets of kindness like this happening all around.
Giving kindness, definitely something within our means. Making a difference, definitely something we are all capable of. We need everyone to contribute, not just a small group, to create a better world together, not just for us but for generations to come.

Dish Washing Vs. Dealing With Issues In Life

What if you find yourself with a sink full of plates, pot, pan and utensils to wash? It can be a overwhelming feeling when you think of how long you are going to stand at the kitchen sink doing dish washing. In life, we can face a similar situation, be it in studies, work or issues faced in life.
What would I do? I start with the easiest task first. I will wash the utensils first before moving on to the plates and finally the bigger cookware. The idea of starting off with the easiest task is to build momentum as we deal with our challenges. We also gain more confidence as we solve the issues one after another. Very soon, all issues will be solved, just like all dishes will be washed eventually.
For friends who feel overwhelmed with issues in life or at work/studies, remember to take one issue at a time and try to solve the easiest one first. Build good momentum as you solve one issue after another. A good start will be half the battle won. Remember, all problems can be solved, just need to focus on the solutions and not the problems. All the best !