Friday, October 28, 2016

Give Love To the Children Inside All of Us

Children need lots of encouragement and so do adults, because the child lives inside all of us. Deep down, all of us need love, support and encouragement from the people around us, without which there is very little motivation to keep going. That is also why love always win and hate will only generate more hate.
Don't stop at being just a friend, be an encouraging one! Give love, give support to someone who is trying to make a difference, someone who is trying to improve lives, someone who is chasing dreams. Sometimes, your smallest action can be the spark to ignite something really amazing and wonderful. When that happens, the world benefits.
Be the one who heal wounds and give hope, because the world needs more of that. We are not going to live forever, but what we build today, can be the best presents we give to our children and many generations to come. You may not see the day the tree grows to bear fruits and provide shade but you will always be remembered for planting that seed many years ago.

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