Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Finding Cheap Happiness

If you think that to be happy means you must have lots of money because money can give you a sense of security, money can bring you to places, travel the world, luxurious hotel stays, VIP treatment and elevate your social status, then hey you are probably right! Because that is your definition of happiness, but till the day you earned tons of money, you probably wont be happy. You will also probably be stressed up by your high standards of happiness.
Happiness to me is simple and cheap, and at times free. When I am able to help someone and make that person happy, I am happy. Everyday I feel grateful for so many blessings in my life, I am happy. As I write these posts, and it cheer your day or gives you that tiny bit of positive energy or morale booster, I am happy.
It is a virtue to strive hard and work for a better future but there is a difference between needs and wants. This difference is proportional to the amount of happiness we get in life.

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