Thursday, November 17, 2016

Doing the Housework is Developing Good Values

My mum never spared me the housework since a young age and till today I am grateful for that. Ever since my teenage years, my mum had "bestowed" me with responsibilities of cleaning the house, ranging from sweeping, mopping the floor, to cleaning the furniture, ironing and washing my own laundry (and yes, hand-wash not machine-wash).
While it mean less time for TV, computer games or even studies, I am glad to pick up essential life skills that I still find it useful today. Other than knowing how to do the housework, I am able to do it faster through years of practice and even new chores like changing taps doesn't not scare me off. I derived great satisfaction through clearing clutters, scrubbing algae and basically transforming something dirty into something clean. I am also proud of what I can contribute to my household. My previous transition into NS and subsequently staying on my own in the uni hostel were also made less painful because I could manage all the cleaning.
Sometimes, parents may think that their children should not be involved in doing the housework because either the maids or the parents themselves should be doing it. However, introducing household chores to the children may just do more good than harm.
It teaches them responsibilities, that they have a part to play to upkeep the cleanliness of the house. It teaches them to be considerate, because if you make a mess, someone has to clean up and that person could be you. It grows their confidence, because they can do so much more than what is expected of them. It teaches them independence and equip them with essential life skills that can help them in later stages of their lives. It teaches them discipline, because housework has be done on a regular basis, not as and when you feel like doing. Finally, it helps them spend time constructively, less time on the gadgets, TV and computer games, which studies have shown to be beneficial in terms of physical (eyesight) and mental (attention span) health.
I hope this parenting tip helps for many of our young parents today. Cheers.
PS: My mum didn't force the housework upon me or threaten not to feed me if the housework is not done. Instead, she encouraged me and gave me lots of compliments for doing a good job. In a way, I felt motivated when doing the housework.

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