Thursday, November 10, 2016

Counting Our Blessings: A Loaf Of Bread

I usually don't get too excited when I know there is a loaf of sliced bread in the house, or raspberry jam and sliced cheese in the refrigerator. After all, there are so much more being offered out there. Cakes and pastries aside, the way bread is prepared and served is so much different these days, you have Breadtalk and the neighbourhood bread shops selling breads with so many different flavours.
However, when hunger strikes and I don't wish to get out of the house, or when the shops out there are already closed, the sliced bread with cheese or jam seems such a luxurious treat to me. It has never tasted more delicious than at these times and I feel very blessed to be able to satisfy my hunger with just sliced bread.
Come think of it, why are we unhappy today? Have we been given so much that raise our expectation so high that we are no longer contented with the simple pleasures that we once treasured? And when we get into a situation whereby the options become limited again, we will then realise that we had so much more previously.
So, if we can count our blessings and find contentment in what we are given, we will gain happiness and inner peace. Else, it is a relentless pursuit of wanting more and more.

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