Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Interest Spurs Motivation & Drives Passion

I can spend hours surfing the web, youtube, searching for info related to my interest but give me a textbook to self study and I will fall asleep in less than an hour.
The key about learning, as with the many things we do in Life, is all about enjoying the process. If we don't enjoy the process, we will find no meaning in continuing and thereafter cannot sustain the process.
My own experience above illustrates that, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the method, time flies. When I don't like the method or the topic, I doze off.
If a child is forced to learn, to achieve good grades, then the child will not be as motivated as when he/ she is eager to acquire the knowledge and finds joy in doing so. We heard of people being very passionate in pursing their hobbies/ interest but we rarely hear people being very stressed up doing something they like. That is difference between enjoying and not enjoying.
If we want to achieve big things in life, we got to learn to enjoy the little things that will help build positive momentum to get us there. If we want to inspire learning, we need to get the kids interested in learning. It must be fun to them in some ways.
If we want to make the world a better place, we got to share all the amazing experiences of giving kindness and making people interested in giving (not shaming them when they did not do as expected). Even if you want to be a millionaire, start by being interested in making money, start by being interested in making dollar by dollar.
Start with the little things, one step at a time, build positive momentum to propel you towards success, and enjoy every part of the journey. It will make Life so much more interesting and meaningful.

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