Friday, December 16, 2016

Let's Celebrate Meaningful Monday

Maybe today is not your favourite day of the week, maybe it is not your most motivated day and you are dragging your feet to work, maybe you have associated this day with something negative, you feel the blues and that makes you unhappy.
However, if you could just do something nice for someone, an act of kindness, it can be a simple gesture like showing concern, giving encouragement, giving advice or helping a stranger, just one act of kindness today, it will make your day meaningful. And when your day can be remembered as a meaningful day, it will no longer be negative or dreadful.
The key to happiness is to take away as much negativity as possible away from our lives and Kindness, Positivity and Happiness are 3 best friends you need to have. They are also inter-connected, giving kindness will bring you positivity and happiness while happy people are more likely to be kind. Let's remember and look forward to Monday like never before, let's make all Mondays great by celebrating Meaningful Monday and spread more joy and love to this world.
TGIM and have a great week ahead !

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