Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What Makes Us Happy In Singapore?

Dear Friends,
The TV broadcast on the documentries over the last few days has been nothing short of a crash course history lesson, especially to the younger generations. We learn to count our blessings because we have so much today as compared to the past. Everything is pretty much developed and convenience is no longer a luxury for most people. When we can appreciate what we have in life, we will feel happy and contented.
Earlier, I asked myself, what can an ordinary Singaporean like myself do for my country? I don't think I am good enough to join politics but hey I can still do something right? Let me start off with the very small and simple things which I believe most of us can do. Since writing/ sharing on social media is one of my interest, I thought why not do something that I like that can benefit fellow Singaporeans as well.
I am thinking of starting a Facebook Group called "What Makes Us Happy In Singapore?" and hope that friends can join me in sharing the things that makes you happy living in Singapore. It can be anything ranging from giving kindness, doing volunteer work, retail therapy, sales & promotion, sharing about your pets, your favourite food, sports and so on. I want the HAPPY YOU to share about what are the things that make you happy. Friends who are always feeling unhappy are welcome to join this group to look for ideas and inspiration to be happy. However, all negative comments or posts will be deleted. My intent is to generate as much positive energy as we can from this group. If there are folks who wish to complain about their misery or to criticise fellow Singaporeans or any political party, I am sure you know of the many platforms who are doing that right now. I see no point in spreading more negativity on cyberspace because these actions will get everyone sucked into the vicious cyle of unhappiness, hate and anger.
I know many people face many challenges but there are always reasons to be happy. If we spend our whole life focusing on our issues and fail to appreciate what we already have, then it is natural that we feel unhappy and dissatisfied. If there are leads and reminders that happiness are always achievable, I hope it rubs on to everyone. I believe when one is contented and happy, one is more willing to help others and stand united. When we are all united, like our forefathers when building Singapore, we will create a better future together, for ourselves and our future generations.
Pls feel free to share your feedback on this idea, even if you think it is a lousy one smile emoticon If this idea is well received, I will proceed to create the group. Thank you everyone for reading through and taking time to comment, cheers smile emoticon
*** Latest Update ****
Group was created and we welcome all friends to join us to share the things you are happy about living in Singapore:

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