Friday, January 1, 2016

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Dear Friends of P2P,
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, may you have a great celebration with your family and friends. Christmas is the season of giving and because of your love and kindness, Christmas is all year round here in P2P. Thank you very much for giving so much love and blessings to the less fortunate and helping make our community a more beautiful place. The future is bright for all of us because of amazing people like you.
To my diligent P2P admins and all the awesome volunteer leaders, thank you very much for going the extra mile to lead, to reach out to those in need and to provide comfort and hope to them. You owe no one anything and yet you choose to give something that is very precious to make this all work, your time. Thank you very much for the inspiration.
2015 has been a good year for all of us, our P2P family has helped many initiatives & events, bring much hope and joy to our friends in need, young and old. Let's keep up the good work and make 2016 an even better year for all. This kindness journey, this mission that we embark on, it's for everyone, you, me, our children and future generations to come. Everyone can and has to play a part to make it work. Let's influence more friends to join us in this kindness journey and strive towards a better future together. Thank you for being a part of this big kindness family !

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