Thursday, March 3, 2016

Every Decision Is a Learning Experience

I have this habit of pouring used floor detergent solution on my doorstep, to reuse the water as well as to clean my carpet on the steps. The sun was glaring this morning so I thought it was a good opportunity to do so as the carpet would dry quickly. It turned out that decision was not really a good one as I felt "trapped" when it was wet everywhere and I couldn't reach my shoes without getting my socks wet.

Everyday we are making decisions, some decisions are bound to go against us because we don't have the ability to predict the future. However, every seemingly wrong decision leads to a learning experience and Life is a continuous learning journey. We learn as we make mistakes and we improve as we learn. The most unconstructive thing is to do is to regret and wish we could have done something different "if we had known earlier". We all know that is not possible, we cannot foresee or control future events, else the lottery companies will go bust :p Life is also interesting because this option is not available to us, there are mysteries and wonders ahead waiting for us to explore and how boring it would be if all of Life's events are already laid out on the table for you.

I always believe that everything happens for a reason, be it good or bad experience. With every decision comes a justification and it may just turn out fine in the end. For my case, the slightly wet socks may take an hour or so to dry but I am heading home later to a crispy dry carpet. Have the courage to continually make decisions and dont ever look back because you cant change the past, what you can do is to learn and make things better with your experience.

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