Sunday, October 20, 2013

P.A.R.K.'s Vision & Mission

My vision for P.A.R.K. is that we can create a community full of kind people, whereby everyone is generous in giving, not shy to share their acts of kindness and thus inspiring more people to embrace kindness as a way of life. When we truly care about others more than our own interest, our society will progress as a whole.

Kindness is a big umbrella which encompasses all the good things about humanity. With kindness, you will want to do something more, go the extra mile for someone and then be inspired to lead new projects that can impact the world in different ways. When you embrace kindness in your heart, opportunities will present themselves to you. There is no greater secret to happiness, this is it, kindness is the key to unlock the treasure box of happiness that you truly deserves.

For all our dear friends who have come on board the ARK, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to you for believing in this project. Each and everyone of you is very important to P.A.R.K., you are our ambassador of kindness and we need you to lead by example and show others how easy it is to engage in acts of random kindness. Never stop believing in the power you have in your hands, you can all change the world, through acts of random kindness, one at at time.

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