Friday, February 13, 2015

Dealing with Negative Emotions & Embracing Positive Energy

Life is an amazing journey full of ups and downs. We are bound to meet up with people who are going to piss us off and make us upset. The best way to deal with these people is to simply ignore them, because there is no point building up negative emotions (anger, hate, sadness) because of the things these people say or do. For every min we spend getting negative over them, we waste one min of our life to do something constructive and good for this world. Surely, we can quarrel, fight, argue until we win but what do we really gain in the end? Will our negatively charged up emotions improve our mental or spiritual health? Will we be physically healthier after an outburst? Or will it all get worse because we spend time and effort on the people who are not even worth it?
It is almost a reflex reaction to get even when we are angered or pissed but slowly and surely we can learn how to manage our thoughts and emotions better. It gets better each time as we learn to let go (negative) things that are not useful and instead focus on (positive) things that are constructive and beneficial, be it to ourselves or to others. If we can help to remind our loved ones the importance of staying positive, let's do it because we may also need the same reminder someday.
The world is as beautiful or as ugly as how you see it, so when we take control of our thoughts, we take control of our life smile emoticon

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