Friday, February 13, 2015


What is one thing that we treasure most when we grow old, other than good health?
When we are at that ripe old age, money no longer matters so much to us because most of the burden are gone and we are not going to bring our wealth with us anyway. What we treasure most then is the memories that we create during our lifetime. The things we enjoy doing today, the places we explored, the bonding we had with our loved ones, the people who touched our lives and the lives we touched, will form the biggest part our memories. When we look back and give ourselves the final evaluation, what are the memories that we will remember?
I know that I will always remember that at a certain point in my life's journey, I met a group of fantastic people, many of whom I do not know in real life, who is ever passionate about giving love and making the world a better place. It is my honor to have rubbed shoulders with these people, to work together for a greater cause and to live a purposeful life. Thank you my dear friends for the friendship and the wonderful memories you have created in my life smile emoticon

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