Wednesday, September 25, 2013

[Chinese Idiom] 日行一善 (Do A Good Deed Everyday)

There is a Chinese idiom called 日行一善, it means do a good deed everyday. I thought that this idiom is very much aligned with P.A.R.K.'s mission, that is to engage in acts of random kindness, on a consistent of daily basis.


The above paragraph talks about the origin of this Chinese Idiom. According to the "Ancient Book of Good Deeds", the idiom came from a weapon supervisor named Fan Ge. He insisted on doing a good deed everyday and when someone came along to ask how to do that, Fan Ge replied: "For example, if there is a bench blocking the passage way of others, you just have to bend down and put the bench in it's rightful position, that is considered doing a good deed". Indeed, doing a simple act of kindness like removing a bench that is obstructing the passage way is not difficult and considered a good of act. When we have this mindset of wanting to do a good deed or act of kindness each day, we will become proactive in achieving our goals.

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