Thursday, July 2, 2015

Let Kindness Be Our Safety Net

Dear Friends of P2P (New & Old),
I want to say a big "THANK YOU" for joining our humble group and giving your wonderful support for the initiatives shared here. I started this group with the main aim of providing more opportunities for everyone to do good, by sharing all the meaningful initiatives started by volunteer groups and individuals keen to make a difference to those in need. I know most of us lead busy lifestyles and cannot commit to regular volunteering. However, doing good and giving kindness goes beyond volunteer work, it can be donation of preloved items to bless poor families, sponsorship of groceries for low-income families, charity fund raising, recycling efforts or simply spreading the word and raising awareness on meaningful/ charitable initiatives. Some acts of kindness are as effortless as a few clicks of the mouse, so we are definitely capable of giving kindness, no matter how busy we are. I hope that through the initiatives shared here, you can kickstart your kindness journey and continue the good work of spreading love & kindness to whoever needs it and make our world a more beautiful place to live in. My vision is for us to build a community of kind friends, always ready and willing to help those in need and move everyone forward together.
I am a strong advocate of saving for rainy days, in the event life takes a turn for the worst. We should as much as possible depend ourselves before we turn to others for help. However, there may be situations where it can be too overwhelming for one to handle, e.g. hefty medical bills for rare medical condition. Also, not all problems can be solved by money alone, e.g. appeal to find missing family members, appeal for donation of organs. These are situations where we need to leverage on the community to come together to help the family in need tide through the difficult circumstances. There is definitely strength in the numbers, a huge amount when shared by a large number of donors is actually an affordable amount, a message spread across different networks of friends is information disseminated to hundreds or thousands of people. What is stopping people from turning from disappointment to despair to destruction is a magical feeling called Hope and Hope is what the kindness community can provide.
We must develop this culture of giving kindness because when we are helping one another, hope prevails and all problems can be solved eventually. We never know the day when we could be on the receiving end of others' kindness but we can be reassured that as long as we keep giving, we shall not fear that day because kindness is our safety net, there will be people to help us out when the time comes. I do not fear the day where there is no more money (our ancestor live well before money was invented) but I fear the day where there is no more kindness. When people start to live for themselves, care for themselves and have their world revolve around themselves, that will signal the start of the end for humanity. Therefore, I urge more friends to come forward to build our kindness safety net, simply by doing good whenever you can; it will be for the welfare of everyone, including you, your family, your future generations. Thank you for those who have already done that, the seeds of goodness you sow today will benefit many who are reaping the fruits tomorrow, thank you very much for your love & kindness and keep up the good work!

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