Friday, September 4, 2015

Always Be Kind & Positive, In Thoughts & In Actions

Was in the train this morning with a pregnant lady. I saw an empty seat and informed her but she declined with a smile. I guessed she was probably reaching her stop soon or she didn't want to sit down.
This whole situation could have been portrayed differently if someone were to take a picture and headlined "Singaporeans lack compassion, pregnant lady not offered a seat". It is easy to jump into conclusion and criticize others for their actions or for not doing the right thing. However, we may not know the full story and even if we do know, how can our actions make it better?
I never believe that by putting down others or shaming them, it will help make things better. It will only create more negativity and make people lose faith in one another. If we really want to see a change, then be the change. Offer to find the pregnant lady a seat or keep a lookout for her, it is definitely more constructively than taking photos, posting online and shaming others. If we like to share photos, then let's share candid photos of people giving kindness, I am sure it is more heartwarming and inspiring for people viewing our photos.
The decisions we make, the actions we take and the words we say, let them be kind, let them be positive and let them bring happiness. We may not achieve that all the time but yearning to try is the biggest step and half the battle won.

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