Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Loving My Imperfect Life

Everything seems so unreal now in this hazy weather, it seems as though this is all but a dream. If all these is really a dream, it must be such a such sweet dream.
My job is not the most well paid but I achieved some of life's milestones with my income. When I watched my finances, I am able to fulfill most than just my basic needs as I can indulge in good food and go for the occasional holiday trips. My boss is not the most caring but he trusts me and has faith in my ability. My colleagues are not my closest friends but they are helpful and dependable.
I come from a low-income family and I could have wished that my parents could give me more, in bringing me to Disneyland when I was a student, like many of my classmates. I could have wished that my dad drives me to school everyday in a car. However, instead of giving me all these which was beyond their financial ability, my parents gave me lots of love. I was never for a moment made to feel disadvantaged in any ways just because we were poor. My parents always ensure that my basic needs were fulfilled, like having enough pocket money and being able to buy new school materials and uniform. I even secretly saved 20c a day back then to accumulate to a few dollars to buy my favorite Dragonballz shiny cards.
My close friends may not be as enthusiastic in organizing regular outings to catch up but I know that they will always be around whenever I need them. Likewise, I know I will be there for them whenever they call upon me. I am constantly reminded of the challenges of living in Singapore during this election period but I do appreciate my home country as being free from natural disasters, the streets are safe, the people are kind and everything I need is within reachable distance.
I could have lived a life deemed successful by others' standards but I chose to follow my heart in pursing my passion. In return, I embarked on an amazing journey and met many wonderful like-minded friends who never fail to inspire me with their love for this world.
The many aspects of my life are not perfect and they are meant to stay that way. The only reason that I believe my life is a sweet dream and not a nightmare is because I choose to appreciate what I have and not compare with others on what I don't have. If I were to compare every imperfect aspect of my life with different people who had it better than me, then I would have just found the perfect recipe for unhappiness.
This is my life and I choose to live it as happy and as positive as I can. I cannot decide for others but I know, like me, they always have a choice on how they want to live their life. Like the saying goes, happy or sad, we all have the same 24 hours each day, nothing more, nothing less.

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