Thursday, October 8, 2015

Learning Lessons From My Revived Plants

This is my plant. There are 2 shades of leaves, the lighter shades on top (new leaves) and darker shades in the middle (old leaves). The darker shades represent a very gloomy period for the plant, when it was attacked by a bug, which produced some white powdery stuff, slowly engulfing the whole plant and inhibiting its growth. I knew I had to do something before the bug engulf the whole plant and cause it's demise. The plant was at the lowest point of it's life.
What I did subsequently was to cut away most of the infected leaves and spray some pesticide to get rid of the bug. A week later, it was slowly growing out some new reddish young leaves and a few weeks later, growing steadily and healthily.
You see what happened to the plant could have happened to the people around us or ourselves. We could be struck by something that cause us to sink to the lowest point of our life; it could be an illness that robs us off our physical health, a mental disorder, depression, business failure, criticism from superiors, poor performance in school, marriage problems, midlife crisis or losing direction in life. However, just like the plant which sprang back to health, there is every possibility that we can turn the situation around and rise again. This whole experience can be illustrated using the analogy of the sick plant.
Sick Plant = Friend A with issues in life
Bug slowly engulfing the plant = Issues causing Friend A to go into downward spiral
Concerned Owner sensing something is wrong = Friends/ Family around Friend A sensing that Friend A is not his usual self
Spraying pesticide = Seeking help to solve the problem together, friends/ family members providing moral support and comfort for Friend A, to tide through difficult times
Plant go back into the pink of health = Friend A recovering from major setback and grows stronger as a person
For friends facing issues in life, I wish to tell you that as long as you are still alive, you have the ability to overcome it and rise above stronger and happier than before. Don't be afraid to seek help or talk to another friend/ family member about your problem, it could lead to something much better for you. Remember, you don't have to face this alone, your family and friends will be there for you, just as how you will be there for them when they need you.
If there is really no one you can talk to, pls talk to me smile emoticon
I wish that all my friends who are experiencing a bad patch in life to have the courage and perseverance to overcome it and see the light at the end of the tunnel. The rainbow always comes after the rain, keep the faith and press on !

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