Thursday, October 8, 2015

Counting Our Blessing: Clean Air

This morning, as I walked out of the house and saw that haze situation had improved, the buildings ahead looked clear instead of blurry, I felt relief and happiness. Rewind the same scenario to barely 2 weeks ago, when I walked out of my house and saw the same scene I saw this morning, there was no relief, nor extra reasons to be happy about.
I think we have many blessings that we do not consciously realize/ appreciate until they are taken away from us and in this example, it is clean air. When the haze comes along, when we are all affected by it and more people falling sick, we start to better appreciate the days when the haze was not around. We start to realize that we have taken the days with clean air for granted.
Every now and then, we read about people complaining about the harsh reality of life, the high cost of living and the many issues faced at work, with family members and friends. I think that underneath this act of complaining, lies many blessings that we overlook and the most important of them all is health.
The recent story about a young man who lost a 2 year battle with cancer reminds us that without health, we have nothing. However, with a healthy body, everything is possible! If you are unhappy with your job, you can find a new one. If you don't earn enough, you can find ways to suppplement your income. Even if you feel that Singapore is a sucky place to live in, you can still choose to migrate to other countries. Everything is still possible for your pursuit of happiness, as long as you keep your body fit and healthy.
I started this group ("What Makes Us Happy In Singapore") earlier this year to encourage friends to share what makes them happy living in Singapore. I hope the sharing generates more appreciation of what we already have and hopefully serves as a reminder to others who have taken some of these blessings for granted. Happiness is not a milestone but rather a state of mind. If we can find contentment in the things we do and with what we have, we will be happy. This is regardless of how much we have in the bank. Cheers smile emoticon

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