Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Time and Money

If we can use this simple analogy to view life as a whole, will we be able to better spend our time?
Let's say all the time we have in this life is equivalent to a sum of money, some people will have more, some will have less, but no one really knows how much money they have.
We use the money (time) we have to buy food.
Positive thoughts, emotions, actions leading to happy and memorable experiences = buying yummy food to eat
Negative thoughts, emotions, actions leading to suffering & unhappy experiences = buying yucky food to eat
For every dollar we use to buy yucky food, we have one dollar less to buy the yummy food we enjoy. If we spend most of our money (life) to buy yucky food, we will soon realize that we have very little money left to spend to buy good and yummy food.
Every day is our new opportunity to improve and be a better person than yesterday, dwelling on the past or persisting in our bad habits is not going to make our future better. We are unable to change history but there is always a chance to create something better now. Let's strive to make each day better and use our money wisely on good food. We never know when we will be at our last dollar in the wallet, so make every dollar (day) count smile emoticon

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