Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thank You to A Special Person

Dear Friends,
2015 is coming to an end soon, hope it has been a good year for you. No matter how it turns out, I hope you join me to thank a special person, that person is YOU.
In this year, you have worked hard for your cause, you have touched lives, you have helped people, you have brought joy to strangers, you have provided for your family, you have sacrificed for your children, you have cared for your parents, you strived hard to chase your dreams, you are pained by your struggles and loss, yet you have shown courage to overcome them all, you have tried your best to be a better person. While there is still room for improvement, be proud of who you are, what you have worked hard for and all the things you have accomplished this year.
Before we try to love others, lets learn to love and be kind to ourselves first. We sometimes stressed ourselves out with the too much expectations on our shoulders, we compare with others and define our success based on their standards. However, the only person who has the rights to tell you if your life is well-lived or not is yourself. Be kind to yourself, love yourself and thank yourself for being you, you deserve it, cheers :)

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