Friday, December 11, 2015

The Power of The Mind & Thoughts

The mind is the most powerful tool we have inside us. The mind can work for us (generate ideas that create an impact) or against us (generate fears, worries which can lead to anxiety issues). Our mind process what we see or hear and generates thoughts, good or bad, constructive or unconstructive. When we give thoughts permission, they become actions.
There are reasons why people give permission to unconstructive thoughts which leads to unconstructive actions. It could be due to their upbringing, their social influence or simply because they are bored. Speaking of being bored, it is not always the case of nothing to do. We can be very preoccupied with tasks but yet feel bored. This boredom comes from repeating the same routine over and over again, finding no motivation or interest in the things we do.
Thoughts become actions, which then become habits and soon develops into a lifestyle. Ever wonder why some people spend most of their time feeling unhappy, disgruntled or gossiping about others, while some people are spending the same amount of time inspiring people, changing lives and living life to the fullest? It all started off with that thought in the mind.
The whole kindness campaign that I am trying to advocate is not just about raising the quality of life for others, it's also about making ourselves a better person. When we have kind thoughts, we give kind actions, which eventually becomes a way of life. When we make a difference to the lives of others, we add value in what we do and that increases our self esteem/ worth. When everyone starts to lead the kindness way of life, it will enhance the social influence factor, which could define our culture. We pass this experience to our children as part of their upbringing. We create a positive ring of influence that is so strong that people are influenced/ inclined towards constructive thoughts, actions.
My dear friends, I encourage you to fill your mind with as much kind, positive and constructive thoughts as you possibly can, it will do you and everyone else a world of good, thank you !

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