Sunday, April 3, 2016

See the Blessings in Every Situation

Have we allow ourselves to get angry or unhappy too easily? Have we allow ourselves to be influenced too easily by angry or unhappy people around us?
The train station is crowded, the bus is packed and I can't get on. That makes me frustrated and angry. What happens if there is no trains and buses at all?
My boss gives me plenty of work, I am angry because I feel overloaded. What happens if there is totally no work for me?
Waking up on an early morning, feeling sleep and tired, I am unhappy because I cant catch more sleep and have to go school or work. What happens if I don't wake up at all?
It may be human nature to expect best outcome in what we get but we must not forget that the worst could have happened too. If we can look on the positive side in every situation, we will definitely be happier. The train may be packed but it brings convenience and affordable transport. Work may be overwhelming but it also means you are capable and your superiors have trust and confidence in your abilities. Waking up early can be painful but it also means you get to live another day and that is a privilege denied to many. Make full use of the opportunities given in each day to create an impact, either for yourself or for others.
Come tomorrow, the train will still be crowded, the workload will still be there and waking up will still be painful, but learning to see the blessing in every situation will determine determine your happiness level. Things will remain the same but perspectives can change, and changing perspectives is changing your life. It's a choice and you are the ultimate master of your thoughts and emotions. Choose to be happy always :)smile emoticon

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