Friday, May 6, 2016

Keep Up The Singapore Spirit and Look Out For One Another

Last evening, I saw a bunch of keys hanging by an open letter box. The owner must have been so engrossed with the letters that he/ she forgot about locking the letter box and keeping the house keys. It would be easy to say none of my business and just carry on with my stuff, because it doesn't affect me anyway. However, how would I feel if I left my bunch of house keys at the letter box and later went back to find that it was not there anymore? I would be very insecure as my unit number is there for all to see, it's like giving the key to your treasure box to a stranger. Therefore, I locked up the letter box and brought the keys back to the owner, the Indian Auntie who answered the door was very thankful and of course I felt happy to have used a few mins of my time to help someone.
Living in high rise housing where people lock up their doors most of the time, we may have lost much of the "kampoung spirit", but we should never lose our "Singapore spirit", that is to being kind and looking out for one another. Someday, we may just need someone's help and kindness. Giving kindness whenever and wherever we can will foster greater community bonding and make our society a more heartwarming place to live in. All of us can play a part in creating a better world together. It's for everyone, you, me and many generations to come. Cheers :)

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