Friday, June 3, 2016

The Significance of Birthday Celebration

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes, I feel so much love coming from all of you. I take this opportunity to thank you for the trust, this amazing friendship we share, the support and encouragement you have always given me in the things I do.
For many years, I didn't really like celebrating birthdays, reason being I did not feel significant enough to want to celebrate the birth of myself. I was slower than many of my peers in primary school, I failed my English examinations when I reached secondary school. When your birthday falls on a school holiday, you will watch your classmates celebrate your friends' birthdays, one by one, except yours. I didn't feel loved, I didn't feel confident of myself, I didn't feel significant, so I see no reason that I should feel any special on my birthday.
The good thing that happened was that I didn't give up on myself, I worked twice as hard to catch up on others. When I have improved, I thought that I must help the others who are lagging behind because I was in their shoes before and could understand their frustrations. Through helping them, I felt useful and that boosted my self-confidence. The more I excelled in my studies, the more willing I am to share my knowledge with my peers and guide them along. I also won some friends in the process.
The present me is more confident of the impact I can create on the people around me, especially on the virtual space, all thanks to the revolution brought by the Internet that got all of us connected. However, I have no intent to create a legacy for myself. My greatest wish is to empower you to create an impact on our society and our community in your own unique ways. I believe that all of us, with our own unique strengths and talents, can do more for our society and make it a better place for everyone. If 10 years down the road, I managed to increase my circle of influence, but people around me are not adopting a positive attitude in life nor do they believe they can create an impact on the lives of others, then I have achieved nothing. I can't change the world all by myself, I need all of you to play a part and do this together. We will help one another reach this target together.
Before we talked about the master plan of changing the world, let's start off with baby steps of changing ourselves. We must first adopt a positive attitude and fill our lives with love and kindness, which will be our guiding light to something better and greater. When we can be positive despite all the challenges we face, we will influence the people around us to be positive as well. We will stop complaining and stop soaking up negative energy. This may need some conscious effort but I believe we can do that together. Let me lead the way as we brave into uncharted waters and make amazing discoveries together. It will be a worthwhile adventure for all of us :)

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