Friday, June 3, 2016

The true purpose of setting up PARK & P2P

Many friends may think that I started the kindness movement (PARK) and built the kindness platform (P2P), with the purpose of helping the less fortunate in our community. To a certain extent, this is true as we helped many volunteer projects get the support they need, be it fund raising or volunteer recruitment. However, the real purpose of doing all these is because of you, each and every one of you, whom I have the fortune and privilege to cross path with.
I know you have challenges & issues to face in life, you feel the stress, you have your insecurities and worries; somehow you have lost faith, you are tired, you struggle to find motivation and directions in life, you are lost, you are unhappy and the sufferings bring pain to you. The negative emotions accumulate and eventually overwhelm you and unhappiness becomes a part of your lifestyle, complaining and feeling sorry for yourself become your daily habits.
However, all is not lost when you have love and kindness. The cloud of negative emotions can only be dispersed through postive thoughts and energy, created through love and kindness. Over here at P2P, we have a safe haven for you to heal and rejuvenate. It is through giving kindness that one learns appreciation, contentment and in turn finds happiness. It is through giving that one finds inner peace and free oneself from the insecurities and worries. Giving kindness brings value to others and in turn help you find your purpose and meaning in life.
Today is my birthday and my birthday wish is for you, people whom I have not met but regard you as my brothers and sisters because of your kindness, to be healthy and happy always. I have a humble request which I hope you can help me fulfill, that is for you to make a comment on 5 or more things that you are happy/thankful for. It can be anything ranging from your loved ones to the haze-free air that we are breathing now. Let's spread more positive vibes around and learn to appreciate our blessings. Most importantly, you choose happiness through the reasons you give.

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