Monday, June 27, 2016

Finding the Zest Back into Your Life

For friends who have been feeling unhappy for various reasons (relationship issues, work, mid-life crisis, unmotivated to do anything, mind filled with worries...etc), I have a suggestion for you.
Take a day of leave/ off from your usual schedule.
For the first half of the day, go visit the nearest hospital and walk around the main clinics, you will hardly find any happy faces. Some patients are on wheelchairs, some are on clutches, some are waiting to consult the doctors,some are waiting anxiously for their test results. Remind yourself that you are blessed with something they may not have, a healthy body. Because you have a healthy body, you have the time and energy to solve your problems, work on your issues and make things right.
Now, go give yourself a good lunch treat, go to your favourite eatery, eat your favourite food, love yourself.
For the second half of the day, go find a place where you can explore Nature, e.g. MacRitchie Reservior, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mount Faber, Bukit Timah. Let yourself rejuvenate in Nature, breathe in the fresh air, anions and let the healing begin. Keep yourself temporarily away from the bustling city life and appreciate what Mother Nature can offer to you, together with the healing powers it brings.
When we look at the wide forest land in these scenic place, we will realise that we, as humans beings and occupants of Earth, are so small. With this humbling experience, we will realize that the issues we face are even smaller.
Lastly, as you exit these scenic places and back to city life, remind yourself that the city was once part of Nature. It is human beings, with all of our intelligence, who harness raw materials from Nature and build our cities and homes. Therefore, never underestimate the potential inside you, the power to transform your environment to suit your evolving needs. You may be slower but that doesn't mean you can't achieve. As long as you are healthy, you will have the time and ability to make a difference. Remember that Colonel Sanders (founder of KFC) only started selling his KFC franchise at the Singapore retirement age of 65. Even so, he was rejected more than 1,000 times and only achieved success (sold his first franchise) when he was 74 years.
If you have problem and don't wish to do anything about it, no one can help you. If you have a problem and wish to do something about it, no one can stop you !

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