Saturday, July 2, 2016

Everything Happens For A Reason !

I found this really nice accommodation for my holiday trip and managed to secure the booking online, only to realise that I booked the wrong month. When I tried to amend the booking, I realised that the dates that I should be booking were all taken up already. It seems such a pity because this lodging gathered many good reviews on Tripadvisor but guess what, I later managed to find an even better place, being in a more centralised location with more amenities and best of all, at a cheaper cost (almost half the price).
I may be lucky in this instance but I believe everything happens for a reason in life. When one door closes, the other door opens. Sometimes, not getting what you want may just be the best thing that could happen to you, because something better could be waiting for you. So, don't get upset when things don't go your way, beneath every obstacle/ challenge brings a learning lesson that serves to strengthen you or make you wiser. If you dwell on what do not come your way, you may just miss out on the opportunities to achieve something greater.
Look for the positives in every unpleasant experience. Sometimes, you may not understand why certain things happened or why you meet certain people who annoyed you, but have faith that someday, the reasons will reveal themselves to you. In the meantime, chin up and keep smiling :)

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