Monday, July 25, 2016

The Toothbrush with Hard Bristles

I have a toothbrush that has very hard bristles, so hard that it can cause healthy gums to bleed, when used regularly. I got it free from my previous hotel visits, so it was probably meant to be used for that one or two day of brushing. Instead of dumping it away because it is free and does not serve it's purpose, I use it to wash my kitchen sink and it is now the most trusty cleaning tool that I have. It is especially useful to clean the algae off the sink filter, the gap between the tiles on the kitchen sink top and other areas unreachable by the sponge.
We are just like the toothbrush, not all of us are made to brush teeth and gums. Just because we don't do a good job in brushing teeth, doesn't mean we have no value or any worth at all. It could be that we are made for a greater purpose; using the analogy of the toothbrush with super hard bristles, doing something that most toothbrushes can't do, that is to clean the kitchen sink. Just because we are made differently, doesn't mean we are in any ways inferior to others.
Some school dropouts made it to become millionaires or billionaires, because they choose to focus on what they can do, rather than what they can't do. You may think they are one in a million, but you can also choose to believe that you are also another one in a million. I believe in the potential inside each and every of us, and that we can all make an impact in our respective niche areas and contribute to a better world. Do you?

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