Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What Death Teaches Us About Life

Every now and then, I read about deaths, deaths not just for elderly but also for young children and babies. Death seems such a scary thing, isn't it? Death brings pain, sadness and suffering. But what is more scary than death is to know that you have not truly lived when death is near.
Why do I always advocate being positive and staying happy? It is for the exact reasons that we should treasure life, every day and every moment. Life is short and it could be gone before you knew it. You have time now, it is a privilege and time is something that is denied to many. To spend our time accumulating negative emotions, getting angry with people, revisiting hurt from past incidents, holding resentment, holding onto fears and worries, is wasting away precious moments of our life away.
When the time comes and we look back and realise that we have wasted our life holding onto so much anger, resentment, fears and unhappiness, where we could have done something more constructive and meaningful, we are not going to be proud of it. By then, there is no more time left to change anything, there are only regrets.
If you have not been living the life you always wanted, you still have time to change it for the better, just need to abide to the guiding principles of being positive and happy. Make everyday a happy and good one, aspire to be positive no matter the circumstances you are in. If there is a need to stay from negative influence/ people, have the courage to do so because this is your life, and no one has the rights to dictate what you should or should not do.

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