Sunday, September 4, 2016

Be Kind in Challenging Times

Expecting a baby must be one of most beautiful and happiest thing that can happen to a woman. However, knowing there's a virus out there that may threaten the baby must be one of the most worrying feeling to have for any mum-to-be.
It is in times like this that we can show kindness, help one another and make things better. We can all start by doing a check within the household for stagnant water, make sure that our household do not unknowingly become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
If we have pregnant friends around, let's be sensitive towards their feelings. Don't spread fear or paint a very negative outlook in front of them. They have enough fears and worries to handle. Instead, comfort them by telling them that everything is going to be okay. You will be surprised to know how much reassurance your comforting words can have on them. Share with them any info that may be useful and check on them once in a while. They will definitely appreciate your kind thoughts and what you do for them.
Today, Zika affects the pregnant ladies. In future, we would not know if there would be another virus affecting another group of people. What we can do is to rise above the issue and support one another, physically or emotionally. Together, we can brave the storm and come out stronger

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