Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Act of Kindness Shared by Friends

Really heartened to read about these acts of kindness being shared by friends on FB. Firstly, it showed that more people are willing to go the extra mile, to care more for another fellow human being, regardless whether we know them or not. Secondly, such sharing can encourage or inspire others to do likewise. We should be proud of the good things we do, it is not about fame or earning compliments (for oneself) but rather we are promoting and encouraging the gracious act of giving kindness, so don't be shy to share when you have done something nice for someone.

If we can build a community of kindness givers, whereby people truly care about one another, I am sure we are definitely going to progress into a more gracious and loving society and no one will get left behind. Till then, we will need more people to continue giving kindness in their everyday lives, to lead by examples and to inspire others through their actions. I think we will get there someday !

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