Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Birthday Appreciation Message

Dearest Friends! 

Thank you so much for all your birthday wishes posted on my wall and through PM, I am deeply touched by all your well wishes and encouraging comments! 

This year's birthday has been especially meaningful as I was having some health problems not too long ago. I thought I was extremely healthy but the test results proved me wrong. For a usually happy-go-lucky and optimistic person, I was filled with worries and fears during that period. When I finally straightened my thoughts and get my act together, I decided to channel all my thoughts and energy to doing something positive and constructive, like giving kindness and doing good. On the day of my surgery, I decided to empty all the negative thoughts in my head because I know they are not going to help me in any ways.

Now that I have recovered, I can better appreciate this great wealth that I have called Health. Therefore, I wish that all my dear friends can be blessed with good health because without good health, it is useless even if you have a million dollars. Also, pls get a good health insurance coverage because medical bills can cost a lot and get add on financial stress to the patient and family. 

On this day when I celebrate life, I want to share with you this quote, "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". Live for the moments that will take your breath away, be passionate about life and pursue your dreams. I am not asking any friends to have a drastic change in lifestyle or quit their job just to pursue their dreams. I think we can take baby steps and someday we will get there.

Lastly, other than good health, I wish that all my dear friends can find happiness and fulfillment in life. That to me, is the real meaning of life. Giving kindness and helping others is just one way, there are many more ways, waiting for you to explore in this journey of life. All the best!

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