Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Be Kind In Our Words

I watched this variety show last night whereby youth talked about their growing up experience and yesterday's topic was on self-esteem. Many of them grew up lacking self confidence because of the insensitive remarks made by friends and even parents. I think the words we say can have a great impact in someone's life, we can potentially make or break someone with our comments. Therefore, I strongly feel that we must strive to be kind to others, especially in our words. "You look lovely" vs. "You are ugly", both sentences made up of 3 words but they had such different impact on the recipient.

If we don't have kind words to say to others, at least don't hurt them with insensitive remarks. We should teach our children that to prevent them from unknowingly hurting others through their comments. Not everyone is born with good looks and nice physique but we can always help to boost their self confidence by being kind to them.

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