Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kindness Makes the World Better

This morning, I was very thankful that at my most desperate moment, I managed to find a toilet. It was at a place I didnt know a toilet exist, the petrol kiosk. The attendant was kind to direct me there. I was also thankful that the seat in the lone cubicle was clean because I really dread toilet seats covered with urine. I then realised the toilet roll ran out but luckily i have own pack of tissue. I left the remaining of my pack there, so the next patron will not get a shock when he realised there is no paper.
Life can hit you with unexpected events and nothing is more comforting when you can get help when you need them most. Always be kind when you can, you could just be another person's life savior at their most desperate moment.
Part 2:
Was lunching at a coffeeshop when an Uncle dropped by to sell tissue paper. Let me make a visual assessment: Uncle looks to be in his early 50s, not very old, no disabilities, don't look like needy so I didn't buy from him. He walked one round and got rejected by everyone else. That justified my assessment/ judgement on him, doesn't it?
However, something in me made me want to buy from him, to encourage him after all the rejections. I mean I dont have to give him $5 or $10, but surely I can pay him $1? Even if he is not a needy, he is still a businessman. So I waved for Uncle to come to my table. I gave him $1 and told him I only need 1 packet (instead of 3).
Uncle's reaction surprised me, he told me since I only need 1 pack, he can give me for free. Moments ago, I was judging him but now he was willing to give me a packet for free despite not earning / selling anything when making his rounds. I eventually insisted he sell me 1 pack for a dollar and he later gave another pack of pocket tissue to me and told me it was good (useful).
We built walls with people because we passed our judgement way before we even made an effort to understand them. Only kindness can help to tear down all these walls and made us bond closer as fellow members of the human race.

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