Saturday, April 15, 2017

What is a Happy Day?

If you ask me a few years ago what is a happy day, I will describe a day where there is no work and I can do the activities I enjoy. These days usually only happen when I am on leave or on a vacation trip.
But if you ask me the same question today, I will describe a day where there is no need to go to the hospital, no medical review, no need to go under the knife, no need to anxiously wait for medical results, no need to rush to A&E in the middle of the night, a day where I am healthy and feeling good.
Doesn't that sound like the everyday we have? But we often don't realise how much we have until we lose them. Health, quality time with our loved ones, when we have them, it seems like an entitlement that we have for life. When we lose them, we start to have regrets and wish we have a second chance or given more time to appreciate what we have.
Life is about choices and you can't win all the time. When you decide to spend time on one area, you lose time on other areas. Know what is really important to you and channel your energy to the real treasures of your life and stop wasting time on the things you don't really need. Make everyday a happy one !

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