Thursday, January 26, 2017

Counting My Blessing On A Weekend Morning

Every weekend morning, as I laze on my bed, deciding whether to get up or not, I count my blessings.
This comfortable bed, together with clean bedsheet, pillow and bloster is a privilege denied to some fellow Singaporeans, e.g. the needy elderly who have difficulties cleaning their own sleeping environment, due to health reasons. There are also poor families who couldn't afford a proper bed, some of these families have young children sharing a single mattress. Because I have so much more than them, I am the lucky one.
As I sleep till late morning, there are many people already hard at work, those in the service line, those in F&B, weekend to them is just another working day because there will be no income if they choose not to work. Or simply, their job scope requires them to work on weekend and public holidays.
Life can be quite challenging but yet in some aspect, we are still better off than some and being able to recognise that, instead of feeling sorry for our plight, is the key to happiness. With a happy life, there is room for greater things, like giving kindness and making a difference to the community. Life becomes more meaningful this way.
Wishing all a happy and blessed weekend ahead !

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